Tuesday, April 6, 2010


2. Jane's grandfather visited the family over the weekend. Jane is watching a Korean drama on TV in the living room, with her grandfather sitting beside her. Write a dialogue for a conversation between the teenage girl and her grandfather.
Grandfather: Hi Jane.
Jane: Hi grandfather , is there anything I can help you?
Grandfather: No but , why not tell me about you and how are you in school?
Jane: Sure grandfather.
Jane: Grandfather , now I am in a secondary school and I am in class 1/7. In class 1/7 , I know many friends that I like.How about you , grandfather? Do you miss your friends?
Grandfather: Yes , of course i do miss them , but , I've lost most of their contacts.
Jane: I see...
Grandfather: Hows life in secondary school? Is it hard or it is like primany school?
Jane: Its hard , we have more activity coming up and more subjects to study , but i believe that when times are hard , times goes faster.
Grandfather : I agree.
Jane : Grandfather , how are you feeling now when you are talking to me?
Grandfather : Oh , I feel great!
Jane : Thats good.
Grandfather : How was dinner just now?
Jane: It taste really good , Grandmother's culinary skills are better than my Mom's.
Grandfather : Good to hear that . So next time do come often!
Jane: Ya , I will come often to see you !
Jane: Its time for me to go now , see you grandfather!
Grandfather: I love you too , bye bye.
Jane: (gave grandfather a goodbye kiss)

1 comment:

  1. You forgot your apostrophe (e.g. don't). Try to use different colours for each character or at least leave a line after each dialogue.
